Betty Roberts and her husband Vernon were commercial fishing in the days when Salmon were plentiful and women stayed home with the kids. It is told from the viewpoint of a hard-working woman who risked her life time and again to be with her husband. Had it not been for her he may not be here today.


 This is a book to be listened to, not read. To make it easier, imagine yourself at Betty's kitchen table listening to her stories. Notice her pauses to think, to light a cigarette, to pour you another cup of coffee. Notice her country girl accent, her struggles to find the words to describe her emotions at the time.


It is a collection of memories as told into a friends tape recorder  in the early 70's and rough typed onto manuscript paper. It laid dormant for many years until resurrected and edited in a computer format.  We have made an effort to retain the personality of the story teller and reproduce the  candid conversation just as it was originally. 


It starts quite simply and progresses through some hair raising adventures on the sea off the coast of Northern California.  Adventures that will make you think twice before getting on a boat.


Her devotion, tenacity, and bravery are equaled only by her rugged feminine wisdom and patience. There will be no new experiences like this for another Mendocino Fishwife to write about, those days are gone.